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James Alexander Barnes

President, Board of Management

James is a proud Wiradjuri man through his father’s family. He first worked in the disability sector in 1995 with the Royal Rehabilitation Centre, Sydney (RRCS). Following the Richmond Report, RRCS moved from an extended care institutional model to support group homes. James worked in the initial trial program and later in the “phase 2” program, assisting clients to learn skills of daily living to transition from institutional living to supported community living.

Since then, James has worked as both a Registered Nurse and Solicitor. He’s currently undertaking studies in medicine. He’s been a Board member since 2012.

Qualifications & Membership

Gwion Cain

Treasurer, Board of Management

For the last 10 years I have specialised in managing programs in the Cairns region and Indigenous communities within Queensland (Cape York and Torres Strait) and the Northern Territory.

My senior management experience covers a wide section of the NGO and corporate sectors. I am presently the General Manager of Selectability; a not-for-profit organisation committed to improving the mental wellbeing of people in regional Queensland and contributing to the prevention of suicide.

During this time, I have worked as a manager and trainer developing the skills and capacity of people within Indigenous communities, creating, developing and monitoring culturally responsive programs and services.

The broad spectrum of experience I have accumulated has given me the adaptable skills necessary to work effectively in remote and constantly changing environments, along with the ability to identify changing needs, opportunities and developments necessary to deliver the outcomes required in these challenging environments.


Teresa Hudson

General Member, Board of Management

Teresa is the General Manager of the Community Information Centre Townsville and has over 18 year’s experience in the Community, Early Education, and Disability Sectors which has established her qualifications and skills in Community and project development, mentoring, leadership, strategic planning, and delivering workplace training. Teresa has been the driving force behind Together Townsville that brings Business and Community sectors together to support positive pathways, partnerships and inclusivity.

Experience with RIA

The Community Information Centre has a long-standing connection to RIA as an information and referral services for the community.

Impact and Value

Teresa is passionate about making sure everyone has access to supports and services they need especially those who are vulnerable. The role RIA plays on the community is integral to this and closely aligns to my values.

Representing RIA and its strategic growth to ensure the organisations longevity.

John Hartigan

General Member, Board of Management

John Hartigan, B.A. ( Honours) Dip Ed, JP ( Qual ) has over 30 years practical experience in Management, Human Resources, Employment Law and Career Coaching. He has additional qualifications in Work place Mediation, Executive Coaching and the application of DISC and Myers- Briggs Type Indicator. He has represented both organisations and individuals in the Fair Work Commission.

In his corporate career, John has held key roles including Head of Employee Relations, NAB,( 22,000 employee workforce ), Group Manager – BTR Automotive ( Sydney – 5,000 employee workforce ) and other senior Executive roles locally and overseas with organisations such as Rio, Exxon – Mobil and Orica.

He has also had Executive Board management experience in both the Corporate and Non- For -Profit sectors in Sydney and regional Queensland. His speciality is Board Governance.

He remains active as a self-employed Business Consultant.

Qualifications and Membership

  • B.A. (Honours) Dip Ed
  • JP ( Qual)
  • Additional qualifications in Work place Mediation, Executive Coaching and the application of DISC and Myers- Briggs Type Indicator

Knowledge and Expertise

  • Specialises in Board Governance
  • Over 30 years practical experience in Management, Human Resources, Employment Law and Career Coaching
Stronger Together

Our Professional Team

Raoul Wilson

General Manager

Angelika Williams

Assistant Manager, Advocate

Doreen Deede

Advocate Engagement Officer NDIS


Address: 2/192 Mulgrave Road, Westcourt, QLD

Mail: PO Box 1041N, Cairns North, QLD 4870

Telephone: 07 4031 7377

Facsimile: 07 4031 7383


Address: 1, 1-3 Barlow Street, South Townsville, QLD

Mail: PO Box 3065, Hermit Park QLD 4812

Telephone: 07 4725 2505


Monday to Friday 9am –4:30pm


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